Thursday, March 12, 2009

Some of my favorite pictures

Finally my computer is let me blog som here are some of my favorite pictures that I couldn't share.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lesson from our Children

While reading through all the kids blogs I realized I too need to express my gratitude, many of us are facing hard times due to the economy we can let it drag us way down or we can make the best of our situations, I am grateful that we are not totally unemployed like some people we do have work come in it's just not as plentyful as it used to be, I am grateful for siblings who share in the concerns and well being of our Mother who needs all of us right now, I am grateful for my children who inspire me, lift me up when I am having down days and show unconditional love to everyone and I am grateful for great friends who are there when you need them and when they need us.

May we all continue to strive to do what we know is right and help where we can and who we can in these trying times, stress can do ugly things to our bodies and our minds so lets all look at life with our glasses half full and not half empty.