Monday, December 15, 2008

Utah for Thanksgiving

So this year has been quite different when it comes to the holidays and some birthdays. We miss celebrating birthdays with those who live far away it has taken a chunk out of party time. We were forunate to catch a ride with Josh, Aubrey and Riley to Utah to celebrate with the Bradfords and the Blacks. It was great seeing the girls and their families and their in-laws a good time was had and there was plenty of good food to eat as well as good conversation. We exchanged Christmas gifts since we won't be together this season.

We got to spend a few days at Janelle and Brandon's. We had fun helping them to decorate the office as well as their house for the holidays. Dad was also able to help with pruning trees and clearing out some old bushes so that you can see Brandons Chiropractic sign a little better at the office, grandpa had a little helper on this day(Sydney she looks after and takes good care of Grandpa, Janelle, Cairo and I were at school with London enjoing a thanksgiving feast Oh and he helped Janelle hang a mirror at the office as well. He enjoyed staying busy he and Sydney even went grocery shopping yes just the two of them.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Bradfords and Nephi Utah

Bernard and I got to tag along with our friends Susan and Elvin and take a road trip to Utah to visit the Bradfords we had a good time cozing in the bed in the morning with all three girls I was so afraid that Cairo would be afraid of me since she is to young to remember me but YEAH she wasn't so yes I held her and carried her around as much as I could. We had fun making cookies, carving pumpkins some day maybe I will be able to blog the videos I took if I ever get my computer fixed. We took a drive up on the mountain and enjoyed the beautiful views ( check Janelle's blog for pic's) we played with the girls, did fun projects and ate good homecooked meals that I didn't make. Brandon's office is very nice he looks so official in his white doctor coat. Bernard and I got to experience some new muscle relaxing treatment from a really cool machine he has as well as an adjustment after AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it felt so good. I loved the muscle relaxing treatment I could have layed there for hours. All in all we had a great time and the weather was nice while we were there. Thanks Bradford family.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Update / New Mexico

Hey guys I am still here thanks to Josh and Aubrey's computer. Quick update I will try to get my computer to work long enough this next week so that I can post my pictures of my trip to New Mexico. It was good to see Janae, Cam and the girls and to be there for Laiken's birth, I wasn't Dad/Bernard but I gave it my best shot coaching Janae, her labor was so fast and the contraction's at the end were very hard to stay on top of but she was a trooper and Laiken is adorable not to mention a very good baby. It was fun spending time with Haiden and Kylie we read stories and stories and some more stories, we drew a flower garden on the chalk board wall, we made happy faces with lotion on their tummys and hands, they sang Taylor Swift songs to me and danced. It is always comforting to see your children with their families and see their new surroundings, meet the people that they associate with and to see how much they are loved but their ward families. It was fun watching Janae teach in Young Womens and to attend the Relief Society broadcast with her. It was however heartbreaking that Bernard wasn't there with me especially since his work for that week either got canceled or postponed. When I left he had a full week scheduled and couldn't go but then everything went haywire and he had to find things to do to stay busy. Well enough rambling all in all I had a great time and I even learned how to intall very large TV's on the wall. Thanks Cam it was fun I would be happy to assist you anytime.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Triple BIrthday, Birthday Party

Here are some more pics from the triple birthday birthday party, Aubrey and Janis have the good pics that were taken of GG with all of her children, can you believe we were all here and some cute pics of GG with the great grandkids that were here maybe we can get them on here soon. It was a fun day with lots of fun and food as well as social time. Enjoy and remember I am not the great photographer like the rest of you.

Here is the lovely shot of our Birthday Honoree's!
It was another busy day in the Phillips backyard

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Okay so it has been awhile so here we go I hope i can get this straight I have walked away from the computer several times while trying to post this. First you will see a pic by itself of Ava and her pumpkin this pic is seperate from the rest (oops) then its Ava and her pumpkin and London's we used to think that Londons was soooo big well not anymore(hum can't imagine why), then its Grandpa and Riley playing with his birthday present from Riley and his Dad and Mom, then we have the famous Luau pig the highlight of the luau is the unearthing of the pig, the unveiling and then of course the beautifully well roasted pig with it's grapevine wreath hand made by Dad from his very own home grown grapevine and the very carefully hand picked by Mom (from the many choices in Raley's produce section)large apple. Ummm yummy this was the best pig so far the meat didn't taste like pork it looked and tasted like turkey. (really I'm not kidding)

a href="">

Friday, July 4, 2008

35th Anniversary Party

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Great Pumpkin

WOW would you look at the size of that pumpkin! London this is your pumpkin, Sydney had three on her vine but two dropped off and now she has a little baby one, we are told that they will do that so we will see, Amber has one that is starting to get big it has passed the size that the others were when they fell off.


Friday, June 20, 2008

Okay okay so it has been awhile but this should catch me up for know. First we have some cute pics of Josh and Riley these were taken on fathers day we are preparing dinner and so they are picking tomatoes for the salad and barbecuing chicken, next we have a few pics of Emily's babyshower it was fun to see her and her little tummy and then Riley and Aubrey cooling of on a hot day.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Finally, Here are some of the pictures from the Blacks trip to Grandpa and Grandma's house. I hope that you enjoy. We had a lot of fun playing with the girls.

Uncle Josh having one on one

Cousins having outdoor fun!

Haiden picking strawberries

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Blacks have arrived

Janae, Cam and girls made it here safe and without flight delay it was a busy day for them, once that we arrived in Antich Janae fixed the girls their lunch and then Dad took Janae and Cam to the Chinese Buffet for lunch and I stayed home and put the girls down for a nap and did food prep for the family barbecue, we had a good turn out as usual but I was to busy to take picture's but I think Aubrey may have some to post later.

Friday, April 18, 2008

My daughter Janelle is a Mob Bod distributor they carry alot of cute tops. skirts, dresses and swim wear, they have children sizes as well.Go check out her blog( she is having a drawing for a tee shirt they are veruy comfortable and cute.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Texas Trip

Sorry that it's taken so long, but the computer has been having some issues.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Here you go London your plant is the first to sprout up.

Monday, March 3, 2008

A very busy and mixed emotions weekend

I apoligize for the side ways pictures I could rotate them but for some reason I couldn't get them to save them that way.( oh well ) I tried, any way what a weekend.
It all began at 4:00 p.m. on friday with Brandon's graduation (yeah Brandon we are proud of you) followed by a great dinner.
Then we were off for one last slumber party for London and Sydney with Grandpa and Grandma. Sat. morning was our usual routine with the girls they always come and crawl in bed with us but this time they tickled Grandma out of the bed because of course Sydney was hunngey ( no it is not a typo that is how she says it) so off to the kitchen for Grandpa's pancakes requested in the shape of mickey mouse as you can see in the picture below and a whole lot of cool whip.
The plan for the day was that Aunt Jackie would bring the cousins over for one more fun day together. Grandpa thought it would be fun to take all of them to Chuckee Cheese for lunch I thought he was crazy since it was a Sat. and it would be booked full of birthday parties but Grandpa convinced me it would be fun and worth it and of course it was. When we got home Grandpa took the kids out in the backyard to play and to plant giant pumpkin seeds if the crop is good we may be hand delivering pumkins to Utah and to New Mexico (we will see) .
That evening we had all the family over for dinner to see the Bradfords and congradulate Brandon I think fun was had by all even though Janelle, Brandon, Dennis and Lisa were wiped out from loading up the moving van.
Needless to say the Bradfords are on Utah soil now safely they just have the trek to Blanding left.

Brandon's long awaited and well deserved graduation

Granpa and girls with the famous mickey pancakes and lots of cool whip

Fun Fun Fun at Chuckee Cheese

Grandpa and the gang planting giant pumpkin seeds

Friday, February 15, 2008

Yes after almost 35 years of marriage he still lights up my life (lol) really finally after living here for 20 years we have overhead lighting in the living room (yes I said the living room. We also have a matching one in the entry way. The picture doesn't do it justice but it gives you and idea anyway it is exciting to me.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Last Saturday we had a fun trip to Monterey with the Bradfords. It was a perfect time to go there wasn't a large crowd of people. We started off with lunch at good old Bubba Gumps followed by some Bradford family shopping at Bubba Gumps store I love the picture I got of them, everyone was busy doing their own thing as you can see in the picture below .while I was sneaking a photo of the shoppers I was also able to sneak one in of Grandpa in a deep conversation with Cairo. Then off to the Aquarium, I was amazed by the school of fish which was what I saw first. It was alot of fun to watch London and Sydney look and touch different things. Sydney was amazing her tiny little legs walked through-out the Aquarium the entire time without complaining. Fun was had by all and we are glad we were able to get one more fun California adventure in with the Bradfords before they leave. Thanks guys for the invite.

Monterey Bay Aquarium Family Fun