Thursday, January 31, 2008

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Last Saturday we had a fun trip to Monterey with the Bradfords. It was a perfect time to go there wasn't a large crowd of people. We started off with lunch at good old Bubba Gumps followed by some Bradford family shopping at Bubba Gumps store I love the picture I got of them, everyone was busy doing their own thing as you can see in the picture below .while I was sneaking a photo of the shoppers I was also able to sneak one in of Grandpa in a deep conversation with Cairo. Then off to the Aquarium, I was amazed by the school of fish which was what I saw first. It was alot of fun to watch London and Sydney look and touch different things. Sydney was amazing her tiny little legs walked through-out the Aquarium the entire time without complaining. Fun was had by all and we are glad we were able to get one more fun California adventure in with the Bradfords before they leave. Thanks guys for the invite.

Monterey Bay Aquarium Family Fun

Monday, January 14, 2008

Always a party at Grandpa and Grandma's house

Things may be all out of sorts it has been awhile since I blogged and I keep getting interrupted and lose track of my next step sorry, anyway last night we celebrated Tyson's b-day early because Drew,Jax and D-man all leave for Canada on his actual b-day, everyone seemed to have lots of fun it's always a busy place when we are all together, we had the sharks game on while we ate dinner, after dessert and presents while we sat around and visited Trey played some soothing music on the piano and then the Real Estate investors gathered around the table to beg borrow and steal some properties lets just say it was quite funny , energetic as well as little on the high volume side at times but very entertaining to watch when it was all over it was time for a little serious discussion with the kiddo's(D-man,Am,Ty.Ava,and Riley) around the table with big Drew leading the serious discussion on the importance of listening to and obeying your parents as well as getting along with your siblings which then was followed by a family prayer it was a good way to end a Sabbath day.

It's always a party at Grandpa and Grandma's house